This age range are the time you can word hard, predict your future, your present now decide your future. When you are 10 - 19, you don't care about your life because you don't know what life is, you mingle with friends either good or bad, you play a lot and eat, you think less about you life but when it comes to age 20 - 30, you now have plans for you life, you know those friend you can benefit from, your thinking change. Then you feel the maturity in you.
Nobody will give you nothing. I've read so many books and found out that luck is something you need. Get it by all means.
When the stars align for you at a time you are prepared. So stay ready. If possible save capital from today for a business you have no idea about. One day the idea will come and you will be lucky.
So technically luck only exists when you are prepared.
What you need to do are:
1. Believe in yourself.
2. Be focus and hardworking.
3. Be discipline.
4. Be a good learner.
5. Think about the future.
Do whatever you feel like doing, don't avoid mistake, just limit your mistake. Make mistake and learn. There is no perfect plan for life.
Learn to save, exercise, observe behaviors, be rational in thought, read and read and read, learn all your can learn and use all your time to face all your fears and limitations. Start practicing being independent as early as you can.
They are many thing you can start learning like: Start Learning Blogging Business, It pays nothing less than 200 U.S DOLLAR'S monthly, Learn digital marketing.
Learn a skill and keep at it, improve on it and expand in it, use the "we die here" mindset on it and success will come from it.
find survival before you find love. Love divert your attention, you wouldn't focus on your life.
Don't be too afraid to take giant step, never thought when you are older, you will know more and everything would be perfect Because you will no more think anything is easy( everything worth achieving takes time and energy, some take up to ten years but the joy is at the last-minute of the achievement you will forget all the years of those toil).
Seek and outline the paths that God has foreordained for the accomplishment of your purpose, and continue trending on it.
Avoid any sort of distractions. Believe I the person you want to become, Do not be in hurry. Ask successful people about how they live their early life; Assign reasonable time to your goals.
Before setting a goal, make sure you have the necessary tools to make it.
Remember whether you do this or not you would be 25 soon, you shall reach 30 and 35, never be intimidated by time ( Time is a universal law of life, everything happens with processes, through different stages and seasons).
Most importantly, never stop loving yourself, you will never escape that body and thought you carry, you can either change them or take them as your own burden or strength. No one can love you more than you love yourself.
There is nothing like divine destiny, no one is born to be great, you are not born to be a doctor or engineer or business man, time, chance and practice happen to anything good or bad or career you have ever known. If you don't make use of your time, or make use of opportunities or practice what you love or want, my friend everything you ever wanted to be will end up as wishful thinking..
They is no rules to success you make your rules. life is unpredictable many times, just make sure you scrutinize before taking decisions.
Always keep improving yourself academically and skill wise never stop.Do not ever consider yourself too young for anything serious.
Keep good association and have genuine people who can reset your brain when you go astray.
I was basically advising everyone and that's the best one can give.Goodluck on your mission.
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