Do you think you can prevent pregnancy with the use of condom only? If yes then you're wrong! Using condom is just part of preventing pregnancy tho its the common use prevention people use but not only to prevent pregnancy, also use to prevent infections. Best ways to use condom . Firstly; check the expiring date before taking it on because it's likely to break. . Choose the right size because it may also break when you use the small size and fall off when you use the big size. . Make sure it cover your erect penis . Now let come back to the other means of preventing pregnancy aside of use of condoms. This article will help you a lot knowing fully well about others prevention. This articles covered; . Other ways to prevent pregnancy. . Advantages. . Disadvantages. . Conclusion. 1. IMPLANTS As massive as a in shape stick, it is implanted on the internal facet of the arms , it simply prevents the manufacturing unit eggs from releasing eggs whilst it
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